Help building sustainable Infrastructure and Create Legacies

About Us

Help building sustainable Infrastructure and Create Legacies

Oceanus Coastal Engineers LLP specialises in providing quality solutions to complex infrastructure challenges of a rapidly transforming business, economic and ecological world.

Our vast pool of multi-disciplinary experts are adept at providing innovative and thrifty solutions in Transportation, Buildings, Riverine, Coastal, Maritime and other infrastructure sectors.

We are your trusted advisors, planners, designers, engineers, consultants and construction managers – delivering professional services spanning cities, transportation, buildings, water, renewal energy and environment.

We believe in the principles of total quality managements and client information security. We have unique understanding of requirement of our clients by virtue of having worked in multiple domains of consulting, client-side, academics & research as well as regulatory compliances.

Contact Us

OCE – Where complex Problems translates to Easy Answers

Oceanus Coastal Engineers LLP is a company incorporated in India under the Indian Companies Act, specialises in providing quality solutions to Complex Challenges. 

Our vast pool of multi-disciplinary exerts are adept in providing innovative and thrifty solution in the Transportation, Buildings, Riverine, Coastal, Maritime and other Infrastructure Sector.

Our Sectors

Sector Service that we are presently working with


Road & Bridges




Ports and Harbours


Coastal & Maritime


Inland Waterways




Water Resources

To become World’s most trusted Infrastructure and Maritime Consulting firm offering cost efficient, sustainable solutions to complex challenges


OCE is an Infrastructure and maritime related high-end design and technical consulting firm driven by a passion for solving complex, real-world problems. We deliver design, engineering and consulting excellence in a world of ever-increasing challenges, growing compliances, new global competitors, the pressure to do more with less, ever-faster innovation cycles and less time to exploit market positions or new technologies.
  • We at Oceanus Coastal Engineers LLP, serve Asset owners / Asset Operators, Contractors / Consultants and other stake holders
  • Who are engaged in building and operating assets in the Maritime (Ports & Terminals) and Coastal / River Infrastructure sectors.
  • Our Engineering and consultancy services relate to
  • Environmental Impact Assessment and Mitigation
  • Sustainable Design Optimisation and Detailed engineering
  • Project Management services
  • We offer solutions to our clients that are environmentally efficient, cost effective and sustainable.
  • Unlike our competitors who bring the conventional Engineering and Project Management skills, we blend these skills with focus on Green Technologies, Energy Efficiency, Carbon Footprint reduction and use of Renewable Energy Resources and thus endeavor to make our engineering / construction / management solutions – futuristic, sustainable and carbon neutral.
Why Choose Us

Trusted By More Than 150+ Partners In The World

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More Than 40+ Satisfied Client Testimonial

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    Shelby Cairns
    Shelby Cairns


    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua Ut enim ad minim veniam

      Catrina Yoder
      Catrina Yoder

      CEO Bciaga

      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua Ut enim ad minim veniam

        Syeda Bright
        Syeda Bright


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